Locomotive driver services

Since 2014 has Rytec delivered locomotive driver services to Grenland Rail AS, Baneservice AS, Bane NOR and Nordisk Togteknikk AS.

Train driving:

  • Driving of test trains for new signaling system (ERTMS) on Østfoldbanen's eastern line.
  • Testing of "new" ATC systems on locomotives, for approval in Norway for NTT AS.
  • More driving assignments among others drilling trains, gravel trains and other transports.
  • Driving of test train for new signaling systems on the Drammen line.


  • Prepared training plans for locomotive drivers (additional training), so that locomotive drivers with limited certification can drive heavier trains and locomotives.
  • Prepared training program (type course) for Voith Gravita 10BB and BR187 TRAXX AC3 SN.
  • Instruction in type course for Voith Gravita 10BB and BR187 TRAXX AC3 SN.
  • Periodic after training and certification of signalers and locomotive drivers for Grenland Rail AS.
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